Hi everyone! Yes, it is Thanksgiving Day here in Canada, the second Monday of October. It’s a nice time of year for Thanksgiving Day, the weather is usually not too cold and the beautiful fall colors are at their best. Although further north and even out west they have had snow already. But I’m talking about normal years. Some years we can have snow on the ground, signalling the beginning of winter, before now. Fortunately that doesn’t always happen.

A nice little spot overlooking one of our lakes.

It’s a very wet and cool weekend for us this year, not really ideal for people who want to come out to their cottages for the last time before winter sets in. Usually this weekend is when people close up their cottages for the season, though some wait longer. The colors of fall are simply breathtaking, such a magnificent show of beauty to end the summer season and before the cold of winter settles in upon us. It’s truly something for which to be thankful.

Male and female merganser sleeping at the river.

There is so much, really, when we stop to think about it. We can often think of the big things for which to be thankful. We have our families, friends, our homes, a bounty of food and so many extras that it would be hard to name them all. Then there is the smaller things, like the colors of fall, that amazingly many people barely notice. We have the air we breathe, the brilliant sunshine which is right now beginning to show through the clouds out here.

Summer picture from Twin lake.

There is the wonderful chorus of bird songs in the summer, such an amazing variety and so pleasant to hear. Even at night there are many birds, owls, nighthawks, thrushes, whip-poor-wills and others that will sing their songs through the night. Nighthawks generally only have a type of buzzing call they make, but it’s a wonderful sound of summer. There is the beauty of all our thousands of lakes in this part of Ontario, the rivers, beaver ponds, swamps, all with their unique beauty and variety.

Silver-bordered fritillary.

There are all of the insects, something that many people wish didn’t exist, yet they are so very important to a healthy ecosystem. And such a surprising variety of insects, many so small we don’t notice, others like butterflies and dragonflies stand out better because of their larger sizes and beautiful colors. All these things for which we can be thankful. The gentle cooling breezes on a hot summer day.


The rains that come to provide life sustaining nourishment to our forests and every plant, no matter what size. The beauty of wildflowers that come along, each blooming in their time from spring to fall. That new life as it begins to show up on the spring landscape. Even winter, though producing it’s harshness each year, also brings with it some great beauty as well. Our flower gardens also explode with color all summer long, and fruit bearing trees providing their bounty as well with flowers first, then the richness of their fruits.

Summer at the river.

This only touches on all the things we should be thankful for, not just on one day, but all through the year. I’m sure we could all make a very long list. We need to stop grumbling so much, rather be content and truly be thankful for everything. Honestly, that would do wonders, it would relieve so much stress and help us live much healthier and happy lives. Happy Thanksgiving from Muffin and I and all my little outdoor friends, and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2021 Steve McLeod.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Steve and Muffin! Enjoy the colors of Autumn and the richness of thankful hearts to God! Abundant overflowing blessings all the days of your lives!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful array of autumn colours , insects , flowers , ducks and grand views of the lakes with semi-enclosed gazebo…Happy Thanksgiving Day ! 🙂😻

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow😮all excellent photos, beauty of Canada’s nature 🌹🌿🏝️🙏
    So admiring view and the climate topic beautifully written , lovely 👍🙏🏼
    Happy Thanks giving Day and same to friend you and cute Muffin 🌹🙏🏼♥️🌹

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m happy that you enjoyed all the photos! Thank you so very much!! I do hope you have a beautiful day/night! I very much appreciate your wonderful comments!😁😻🌞☕☕🍁🍂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much for a beautiful comment message 🌷🙏🌷
        Last two weeks I was very busy , so I couldn’t comment your
        Posts, I add like only, my home some repairs had, now ok 👍🏻
        Now I can communicate 👏😊have a lovely Day to you , Muffin ♥️🌷


  4. All I can say is if these are pictures from around your house, You certainly have a lot to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving I am thankful you share them
    You have to laugh to live but why not Live to Laugh!!

    Liked by 1 person

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