Coffee And Thoughts For Thursday. #8

Good morning to everyone on this sunny Thursday! It is another beautiful morning here, the birds were really singing loudly earlier, especially a red-eyed vireo. There is always a pair of those vireos that nest in the area, but usually they are closer than this year. So we are not seeing, or hearing, them as much as we normally would. Yesterday was beautiful and sunny all day, very pleasant, though not hot.

My heart shaped mushroom.

It was a good day for walking though, only a light breeze now and then. So off I went to the river once more. There were a couple of dragonflies, both different, flying around, but neither one would land long enough for a picture. But I did come across some nice mushrooms on an old fallen branch which was sitting by a large old log. One of the mushrooms was heart shaped so I naturally had to take a pic of that one, and several of the others.

Harebells were abundant along the path, this one had a flower fly on it too.

Then I moved onward about 100 feet and heard some crunching, sort of like old rotten wood breaking. I could not see anything so I carried on with my walk. I thought maybe there would be some water lying around after all our rain, but there was none. The ground was wet of course, but that was to be expected. Not as many mosquitoes showed up for meals as I walked along as the last time I walked to the river. So that was nice.

One of the 7 common mergansers sitting on a fallen tree in the river.

There were birds singing and flying among the trees all the way to the river. Unfortunately, although I tried a few times, I was unable to get any pics of those small warblers. Once at the river it was roaring along and seemed to be worse than before. The water was higher a bit as well, likely because of that rain we had. The river level is supposed to drop up to 2 inches over the next 7 days, depending on rainfall. But considering the river is about 11 feet over normal, 2 inches does not seem like much.

Looking down the river.

At the river the pelicans were busy again and I got some more nice pics of them, including some flying pics as well. I will show the pelican pics tomorrow, well, some of them anyway. I took a lot of pics of those big birds. They are quite fascinating to watch and they are huge, our largest birds being considerably larger than a bald eagle. The common mergansers were down there again too and posed nicely for me.

Looking across the river from where I sit.

Coming back, at the spot where I photographed the mushrooms, that big log next to them had been ripped apart. That was obviously the noise I heard at the start of my walk. A bear had come to look for some food in that log. He must have been close by while I was taking pictures. At least he waited for me to leave. However, that was a bit close. Thank you for stopping by, have a wonderful day everyone and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2022 Steve McLeod.

930 Comments on “Coffee And Thoughts For Thursday. #8

  1. Steve, you reeeeeally need to carry some kind of protection, if only a portable air horn!! I would hate to come on here and find a blog of yours from a hospital bed!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Pelicans are an amazing bird to see and watch! How they can fly with that huge long Beek hanging out there I don’t know!! You would think it would make them front heavy and crash!!🤪😂😂😂
    The pictures were great today!😁😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am really, I carry my bear spray and only go walking when it is calm, the best time for using bear spray. No more windy day walking for me. Also when it is calm I can hear better too. Thanks Sheree!😊😺

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Steve❗️Red means stop ! You do take great pics enroute to the river…but your life is more important ! Have a good rest Muffin and you ! 🤔🙂😻📷😴

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, I don’t know what else to do, I carry bear spray and go when it is not windy. I need pics and I need to walk. I wish there was a different way but don’t know of one. Have a good night as well!😁😻🌜🥱😴😴


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