Coffee For Thursday. #13

Good morning to everyone! It is a mild and humid morning today and it is also cloudy. We are supposed to get a bit more rain today, just showers really. But sometimes those showers can produce a lot of rain for us. We do not exactly need more rain at the moment, we received 1 3/4 inches on Tuesday. That will last a while. But if we get more, then we get more. Oh well. It does hurt the picture taking part of things however.

Speaking of pictures. Yesterday I was out taking pics of the flower flies and wasps that are quite abundant right now. There are a couple of flower flies that I need some better pics in order to identify them correctly. I still need those pics. Those flower flies just do not cooperate sometimes. Anyway, there is also a hornet that comes around looking for lunch.

A lovely male purple finch.

They are hunters, not gatherers of nectar, they want different food. Such as the flower flies. The hornet was flying around casually, I was hoping it would sit down for a picture, but suddenly it zipped after a flower fly and got it. The fly was not much smaller than the hornet and down to the ground they fell in a big fight. The hornet won. I will spare you the gory details. Then the hornet flew off with its prize lunch.

I wonder what would happen if it attacked one of those big wasps? They are bigger than that hornet, and the hornet is huge. I did get pics of the hornet and fly, after the hornet won. Speaking of wasps, I felt something crawling on my arm yesterday so I naturally looked. It was one of those spider wasps. They have a very painful sting. But they do seem to be quite friendly.

Here we have what looks like a two headed white pelican, but really the one is just behind the other.

Unfortunately it was on my right arm so I was unable to get a picture of it. Sigh. Like those flower flies. One of the flies I need a good pic of came and landed right on top of my camera, and looked at me. A couple other flower flies landed on me too, one on my hand and one of my arm. Then one of those huge wasps landed on me again.

That is the second time now. I nearly had a heart attack. But all I could do was ignore it. But ignoring a wasp that is 1 1/4 inches (3.2cm) long is not easy. Not for me anyway. It just sat there. I stood still not knowing what to do. But I decided to keep taking pictures. And it went back to the flowers. I then went back inside where I could collapse without hurting myself.

Here is a pic of that large wasp.

Speaking of bears. There was one on the deck last night. I do not mind if they come at night, except they can be noisy. And it wakes me up. And it wakes up Muffin. And Muffin wants me to stay up. I want to sleep. So I fed her and went back to bed. There is a bit of wind now. Time to get my garbage out to the street. Have a great day everyone and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2022 Steve McLeod.

9 Comments on “Coffee For Thursday. #13

  1. So u succeeded? Garbage delivery to outside? 😀It was raining here last night, not sure why apparently the sun was hot next day never felt the Chillness of oneday rain ,🤣. Coming to wasps and hornets they are bigger both of them, few months back i had a large hornet sitting on my Jean’s I was scared then it didn’t move Mich, so I took a close-up photography and posted it on Instagram.. be careful with these little critters it will hurt . Take care, how is your pain? Sleep well have a good night 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, wasps and hornets are big, and mean, and they sting, big and mean. I have not been stung by one this big and don’t want to be either. I think it would hurt a lot! You are brave just sitting there and taking pictures of that hornet! You should have been running and screaming instead.😮😮 Or maybe not.🙄 You are brave Simon, I would have fainted right after taking the picture!📷 Have a good night Simon!😁🌛🥱


  2. Steve, your photo of the wasp is amazing. I tend to keep my distance from these guys. Late last summer, there was quite a large wasp nest along a walking trail at one of the parks that I frequent.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Richard! I was about a foot away from this wasp, generally I stay further away but I wanted a good photo of it. Yes, they can have several thousand wasps by the end of summer!


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