Sunday’s Pictures. #1

Good morning everyone on this beautiful, sunny Sunday!  Happy Friendship Day to all of you as well!!  A new series of Sunday pictures begins today.  Each month will be something different.  This month each Sunday I am going to post pictures of wildflowers from this area.  I won’t be saying much, except to let you know the names of each wildflower shown.IMG_3712

The one above is called a crown vetch.IMG_4579

Most of our wildflowers are white, like the bunchberry shown above.IMG_4874

One of my favorite wildflowers, the delicate pink twinflower above. It is tiny but has a beautiful scent which you can smell up to 10 ft, 3 meters, away.IMG_5713

The meadowsweet above seems to like growing by the water.  Here is one of many down by the river.

I hope you have enjoyed today’s selection.  Enjoy your Sunday and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.

26 Comments on “Sunday’s Pictures. #1

    • Thank you so much for reading today and for your kind comment! Happy Sunday and Friendship day to you also!! Hey, that’s cool, never heard of anyone named Muffin before. Enjoy your day!😃😺🌞🌳

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Crystal! However there would be a problem, my Muffin happens to be my cat who plays a big role in my blog, in order to add a little humor to things. On my home page you can find Muffins ‘blog’ called Muffins Mewsings. A comical look at things. Sorry for the delay in responding but my internet has been down since earlier yesterday and just came back on this morning. Hope you have a great day!!

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  1. Happy Friendship day to you as well! I didn’t know that it is Friendship day but that’s really cool because today is my birthday!! I’m 28 now…. scary!! 🙊

    I used to make friendship bracelets and still do if people request them. They were always cool and still are in my opinion. However, I’ve now graduated to stone bracelets (I’m wearing an amethyst one and an aqua one(?) I think…) because I’m supposed to be acting like an adult. Enjoy your day and the great outdoors, Steve!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Hilary! Sorry for the delay, but my internet was down yesterday after my post and only came back on this morning, so now I’m busy trying to get caught up on my comments! Happy Birthday a day late, I would have been on time!! An older lady told me one time, the only birthdays to worry about are the ones ending with 0! So you still have a couple more years to go! Oh well, hope you had a great day and have another one today as well!😃😺🌞🌳


    • Thanks so much Nina! Sorry for the late response, but my internet went down and only came back on this morning! I hope you have a wonderful day!!😃😺🌞🌳😎


  2. Which area are you photographing? Flowers not native here except maybe the vetch. I’m working on wildflowers of the high plains prairie, specifically the Sandhills in Nebraska.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, you would have different flowers there. I am in northern Ontario, forest country, so we would have a different assortment of wildflowers here. I hope you do well with your wildflower hunting, have a great day!! Sorry for the delay, my internet went down yesterday and just came back on this morning.😃😺🌞🌳


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