Dreaming Warm.

As I gaze longingly out the window on these cold autumn days, it makes me wonder if all that nice warm summer sunshine and beautiful emerald green of the trees will ever come back.  It’s cold out there.  But I have a nice warm, snuggly bed.  Okay, I have four beds.  My human spoils me a bit.  Plus I also share my human’s bed at night.  We lay there, covered in wool blankets, our heads on the soft pillow, and dream of someplace warm.  Sigh.  This is bad, I’m starting to think like my human! 20191012_073206

Sometimes I wonder about him.  Take the other day, he fried some eggs and tossed one onto his plate which slid onto the floor and across the floor with both of us chasing it. Now, I knew it left a slippery trail on the floor, so I avoided that, but my human didn’t think of it, he said, and stepped on that slippery part and suddenly his arms and legs were going in all directions and then, bang!  He hit his head on the open cupboard door. (He has actually done that several times). Then he sat down.  On the floor of all things!  He just sat their, holding his head and doing that human purring, that he calls moaning.  Very strange behavior.20191012_073214 

Another day we are playing and suddenly he lays down on the floor, face down, then starts moving his arms and legs in odd ways that sort of looked like he was trying to swim.  And he was doing that human purring again. Very strange indeed.  Today he went outside in the cold without his jacket or shoes (wearing his slippers). He wanted to chase away that huge, scary, black bird (he calls it a raven). But he was in such a hurry he slipped off the step outside the door and slid on the snowy deck, slamming into the railing on the other side!  That did work, the raven flew away.  But my human came back in, doing his human purring, and he went and lay down! 20191012_073251

Very strange behavior again.  I just can’t understand why he does such things.  It’s a good way to hurt himself worse, he’s already in a lot of pain.  Sometimes I really wonder about him.  And that’s only a short list.  I could go on and on and on and…well, you get the point.  Well, thanks for reading and I hope you all have a really great (and warm) day!  I sure hope we get some warm days again soon too.  Sigh.

Muffin, as meowed to my human.  The pictures are from this morning.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.

37 Comments on “Dreaming Warm.

    • They are close to the North pole.
      If you talk to people in warmer climates in the tropical areas and talk to them about snow , they would enjoy watching it snowing …

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think the weather depends on both the latitude or how far from the equator you are plus the currents of winds …
        Here , where I live , it gets colder when a cold current comes from the North and it gets higher temperatures espcially in the spring and summer if the wind comes from the hot deserts Southwards …

        Liked by 1 person

    • It was actually part of an intense storm that started in Colorado, we get them every year at the beginning of winter especially. This one went mainly more to the west of us where they got 10 inches of snow, we only got 2. It all melted today here. We’re a long ways north, gets cold here early. Not many hours of daylight now, so that produces colder temps. Enjoy the remainder of your weekend!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. I have experienced it myself .
    Few years ago , we had a very freezy weather in December and January because Northren winds from areas close to the poles reached Lebanon . Water would freeze on the ground at the night …
    Each year is diffferent …

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sweet post Muffin! Photos are beautiful. And not weird for you to start thinking like Steve at all, the both of you are best of friends after all… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Way to go Muffin ! Very interesting post about your human ! I guess you never got all the snow that Winnipeg did…at my place we got about 2 inches, but lots of ice around !

    Liked by 1 person

    • Muffin meows her thanks! She is sleeping on my lap at the moment. 2 inches, that’s about what we got, but we also had over 2 inches of rain.


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