Happy Cabin Fever Day!

Hello everyone!  I was hoping to get this post out earlier but didn’t have any internet again.  Amazing really, it happens so often here.  Makes the cabin fever even worse.  Oh well.  Here I sit.  Inside.  Although it has gotten milder outside winter is still with us.  Therefore sitting outside is not really high on my list of enjoyable activities.  Of course, neither is winter for that matter.  Some people around here say that winter is a beautiful time of the year.  Snow on the trees, big snowflakes drifting lazily to the ground, the silence.  While all the time viewing this scene from indoors since it is usually -30F (-35C), or even colder.

This is “Gent”, the “gray jay”

The house very loudly cracks, thumps, bangs and makes all sorts of other noises that can make it hard to sleep since it sounds like the house is about to fall apart.  Somehow that scene just does not make me think of something beautiful but rather something that is more like bone-chilling, nose freezing, ear crackling and fingers falling off kind of a scene.  And that really does not sit high on my list of enjoyable things or beautiful scenes. Nor something I just really look forward to every year.  Speaking of looking forward to winter every year, I notice that most of the people around here who say they really enjoy winter also tend to fly away to some warm spot elsewhere on this planet to get away from all this beauty that they talk about.

Female “redpoll”

And they often mention how they would like to spend the whole winter in that warm location which is more of my idea of something enjoyable which is why I sit here amidst all this cold bone cracking winter and dream of some warm place such as Hawaii.  I just can’t imagine why people want to go anywhere else.  Unless it’s another warm spot with the beauty of Hawaii.  Here is a nice warm picture of Hawaii, compliments of my friend Candace.hawaii-340042

Now surely you would agree that being in some place like this would be far more enjoyable than spending 20 minutes getting dressed to go outside in -40 degree weather, and get in a car that is just as cold even though it has been running for half an hour with the heater going full and then when you actually get the thing in motion it barely wants to move and you hit a patch of ice on the street which sends you uncontrollably into the snow piled beside the street which the grader plowed into position the week before and it is now as hard as a rock so it rips the fender off the car as it makes its way to the top of this wall of snow where it sits at a weird angle making it almost impossible to get out of the car.

A young male “redpoll”

Okay, a rather long sentence.   Anyway, that is where it stays while you try to get your phone from your pocket with those heavy gloves on.  Then you finally realize you must remove your gloves which gives you immediate frostbite.  Then your fingers get so stiff it takes you ten minutes to call for help.  By that time your ears are so red with cold it takes 3 days for them to return to their normal color and, and…sigh.  Oh well.  I guess it’s really not so bad after all.  Just keep those smiles and you will stay warm!

Happy Cabin Fever Day everyone!!  I hope you have a wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2020 Steve McLeod.


96 Comments on “Happy Cabin Fever Day!

  1. Beautiful photos! We have had a very mild and dry winter so far. Lots of warm days. Even the geese are sticking around. Hope we don’t have a drought with mountain fires this summer. We haven’t seen much snow yet. I am enjoying the sunny 52 degrees today though! Have a great weekend Steve! Keep getting outside to beat that cabin fever. 🙂 God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Very dry here too, and if we don’t get much moisture in spring it could be bad for fires this year. We haven’t had a bad fire year for a long time now. We certainly are not getting warm temps like that, but up in the 15 to 20 degree range, which is fantastic for us.
      Thanks Ryan, yes, getting outside is necessary for sure. Enjoy your day, God bless!😁😸

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  2. Steve, your post made me smile. I can relate to cold long winters. It is supposed to be -40 F this weekend. It has been a cold January, although it hasn’t gotten into the -50’s and -60’s like it used to. A sauna and heated garage make my life easier. Hawaii is good in the Fall and Spring but I like to make sure my house doesn’t freeze up in the cold months. Enjoyed your bird photos. Stay warm and enjoy the beauty of winter. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re getting colder weather than us this winter, it has really been quite mild except for a couple weeks. And certainly not much snow, which isn’t good, that could lead to a dry spring and summer. Thanks so much for reading! Enjoy your weekend!😁😸⛄🌲

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  3. Great blog Steve. Those pictures are what make your winter so beautiful and full natural wonders. I know lots of people who escape to warm places and say they like winter but only in the warm climates lol I am thinking your pictures make us all appreciate winter more than eve Steve. Thanks for sharing !!

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  4. I love our winters because they are around 5°C. Cold winters reach -5. Nothing more. Isn’t it wonderful?☺️ I wouldn’t like your winters…🤔😅😂
    Happy Cabin Fever Day, Steve and Muffin!☺️😸

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    • Yes, your winters sound okay! I could like winter then. Winter here is just too brutal most years, this is an easy winter for us though.
      Happy Cabin Fever Day Ross!!😁😸🥳🙃🎉🎺🎇🤪😜

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  5. Happy Cabin Fever Day! ✨😜 That’s a strange experience taking a phone and calling for help 🙄😳 A hectic task on that cold, and driving is definitely going to be stuck with all the snow, how could you all drive your cars on Snow 🤔 Strange planet 😁🤗 Have a beautiful day Steve. Oops! U must be sleeping now. Take care Steve & Muffin. Have a peaceful night.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Simon, this is Muffin again! You’re right, my human is strange, I will tell him in the morning that you said that.😹 Humans drive on snow here all the time, on ice too, they even drive on the lake!🙀🚗 My human is trying to sleep again, I should wake him up again. Have a meowing good day Simon!😺😹😻

      Liked by 1 person

      • Steve🙄😳😳😳 Are you still awake? Oops Muffin 😸 Is that you? Yes your planet drive on Lake too😋 Yesterday my cousin from Montreal sent a video on his way to office, it’s like white white everywhere 😯 Why you both are not sleeping yet😳 issues again 🙄? U did anything Muffin 😸? Take care Steve, at least try to close your eyes. Have a good Sleep ✨😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • Steve here, all this typing woke me up again. Muffin is at it again.🙄😳Muffin just woke up a little while ago, I’m on my way to bed. Sort of. Shortly. Soon. I hope. Sigh. Yep, issues again with too much pain. Guess I was outside too much today. I’m tired, best go to bed. Good night Simon!😀😺🤪😴😴

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      • You never going to listen to yourself are you🙄😳. Time for bed Steve, Stop staring at screen, not healthy. You need a good rest Steve. Your pain will go away, just don’t think about it, it’s hard 🙄 but try to sleep anyway. And never try anything that Hurts your back again.✨🤗

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      • Good morning Simon! Me, listen to myself? You’re joking. I have been trying to do that for years. It’s hopeless. I never listen to me. Even Muffin tries. I have to do something today which involves moving furniture, sigh. Has to be done though, and no one to help. Poor Muffin had an “accident”😿 and it needs to be cleaned up.😕 Sigh. But I will be slow and careful.🙄 Hope your day has been going well!😁😸

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      • Hi Steve Good Morning ✨😉 What happened to Muffin now, hope she is fine 😸 need a ✋ hand,🙄 Oops i can’t send my hand now, got some stuff to do. Sigh. Please take care Steve when doing things don’t hurt yourself, call someone for help. ✨☺️

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      • No one to call for help right now, my only friend here has the flu. Think I might be getting it too, but I hope not. Too much excitement after Muffin ate, sometimes that does it and the food doesn’t stay down. Sigh. And it’s behind my TV cabinet. Double sigh.🙄🙄😳😳

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      • Oops, you definitely need a maid Steve. Why don’t you hire One for a day🙄😳 I’m sure it’s going to be hard for you. Handle things slowly. No hurry. Just for reading a huge sigh from Simon🙄

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      • A maid for a day? At $35/hour? Forget it. I’ll be slow and careful. Hopefully. I’ll let Muffin help. Maybe. Sometimes that just makes things harder.🙄😹 But I’m sure she will want to help anyway.😺😺🤪 I think I might have missed a comment or two, kind of sick this morning. Sorry if I did.😕😳

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      • No worries Steve, Take thing’s slow. No one is hurry about anything here. Just take your time. Well thanks for your nomination, i just read your nomination post. Take care of your health Steve.

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      • It’s been a rough morning.😕Actually, it’s been kind of a rough week, health wise. Now if only I was wise too. 😂😹🙄You’re welcome Simon, thanks for reading!😀😀😃😃

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      • We can’t have all days to be soft 😒 to accept and live anyday is a best day is a skill ✨☺️ and I’m sure Steve has that Skill✨ Health wise and on everything you’ll get back on your feet sooner than you imagine, all you need to do is take things slowly and you have our prayers ✨🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks so much Simon!😃 True enough, if every day was a soft day we would fall apart,😬☹ need some tough days to help us grow stronger.💪👈 And no matter what, the sun still shines!😁😸🌞🌞

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks, must be getting late for you, but I guess it’s a day off for you tomorrow, or are you working 7 days a week now that you’ve been promoted?🤔🤔🙄

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      • 🙄😂😜 Never ever i work on Sundays 😁😳🙄Wait🤔 i have worked on Sundays too. Not tomorrow 😜. I’m reading a book and I’m very slow at Reading 🙄🤗 i have a good long sleep in few mins😁

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      • Good idea, sleep late and don’t forget to have a big breakfast for a change.😁 Or is that me that’s supposed to have a big breakfast?🤔🙄 And don’t forget the coffee!🤪😜☕☕

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  6. Great Steve, it’s going to be a massive breakfast 😋 Coffee 🙄😳 Oops no! I drink black tea or milk tea☺️ these dairy products is creating trouble to my stomach and coffee 🤔 i love black coffee but can’t have it at home and definitely not in morning 😉 Thanks Steve, will remember that ✨🤗

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    • I know you don’t like coffee, just had to get that in there.😂😂☕Stay away from dairy, not good if it bothers your stomach.😕☹ I had to give up dairy years ago. Then gluten, spices, most fruit. Sigh.😭😭🤪😜

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      • 😁 I started to like black coffee when it’s sweet, i recently tried it on my own. It’s lovely 😸 but no one at my home have coffee ☺️ diary, Yes Steve I’ve stopped that now, Sad we need to give up lot of our favourite foods 😒🤔 hmm wish our hormones heals themselves so that we can eat anything we want 😜😋💐

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      • Sometimes I wonder if they are doing something to our food now so our bodies can’t digest it properly anymore.🤔🙄😳 Sigh.🙂😜😃 Oh well, still lots to eat yet, just need to change our food habits a bit.😁🙄😜😋🍄🍟

        Liked by 1 person

      • I doubt it too, lot of chemicals replaces the natural flavours and here we are skipping most foods 🙄 and you almost everything 😳😜🤸 Enjoy the peaceful night Steve ✨

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      • Good morning Simon! On my way out, yes, I did have a great sleep!😴 It’s cloudy outside, but sunny inside!🌞😀 Hope you had a great relaxing day Simon!😃😺⛄

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      • On my way to the spicy world. Thought i would sleep this time.🙄 guess what 😒 Never thought i will be disturbed with loud snoring. 😳 Everytime that man breath looks like he will die on next breath, i felt anxious and got up🙄😳 Crazy 🤪🤪🤪 Not a great night, but it was a beautiful day. And I’ve travelled to next day too.☺️

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      • You’re still awake? Oh well. Okay, I laughed about the snoring part.😂😂Couldn’t help myself.🙄Try not to eat too much of that spicy food, bad for the stomach.🥵🥵😱Good morning!😀😃

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      • Good evening Steve, i tried to close my eyes and pretend to sleep as of now, can’t anymore. That guy is surely close to death, he is still snoring 😳🙄 i think the God is confused whether to take him or not 🤷🤔 whatever, he should take him out in first place 😒 Still no one is asleep 🤪🤪🤪

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      • You shouldn’t make me laugh like that!😂😄🤪Oops, sorry. Wow, he’s snoring for a long time! Maybe try pouring water on his head. If he asks what happened, it was a brief shower.😂😜🙄🌧Or maybe just slap him lightly and run.😛🙀😲

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      • I thought of doing that, almost i went close to him and came back, what if he dies just with my touch 🙄😂 Not ready to play with someone who seems like dying every breath 😁 plus they have cameras inside train 🙄😳

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      • Cameras in the train?📷😲 Spying on people. 😳That takes all the fun out of it.😒 Could end up in that friendly place with the bars on the windows.👮‍♂️👮‍♀️ Don’t try it then. I never said anything. I’m innocent.😬😬🙄

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    • Black tea?😲 Terrible stuff.😂🙄Actually, I used to drink it, but now it bothers my stomach,😬 can only drink herbal teas now. I don’t even drink much coffee anymore really.😭😭☕☕


      • 🤔 Why so? That too is banned to your body😒 that’s really sad🤷 Black has that laxative effect sometime it cause trouble 😜.

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      • Black tea upsets my stomach a lot now, can make me quite sick, so I had to stop. Seems every year I have to give up something more.🤔🙄🤪🤪


      • If you are having right food i dont think that might gonna happen, I’m not a doctor, but did you checked with your doctor before giving up🤔🙄😜😋

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      • Yep, I did, got all the tests done to find out all these allergies. Well, Celiac is a disease, not allergy, a disease of the intestines. Personally I think it was a pain drug I had taken years previous, that’s when the problems started. Oh well.🙄🤪😜😳


      • A pain drug and you need to pay for that for years 🙄 careless people selling these kind of medicines. Glad someone found out the issues and suggested good healthy foods. Take care of your health ✨🤗

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      • Yep, sometimes I think they just practice on people to see what will happen.🤔🙄 Sigh. Yep, much better now, even if I can’t eat a lot of my favorite foods now, I still feel a lot better and healthier now.😀🤸‍♂️💪👈😂🙄


      • You know no cooking 😳🤔How do you eat anyway? Raw🤷😋 That’s tough to survive unless it’s only salads if i move with you🤪

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