Daily Pics #144.

Good morning everyone!  It is a cloudy morning, very heavy cloud so it is quite dark out here as I sit with my morning coffee and listen to all the birds singing.  It’s a rather strange morning.  Only one of my gulls showed up today, that was Sir Henry, he’s the third friendliest of the herring gulls.  No little birds coming to the feeders.  It actually becomes very quiet for a while.  Just not normal for an early morning in May.  It should be positively alive with bird activity out there.  Even the crows only stopped in briefly.  A phoebe begins singing it’s name not too far away.  I can’t see him though.  The leaves are getting bigger making it harder to see the little birds now.  A little wren starts to sing in the cherry tree next door.  Looks like they will probably nest there again this year. 

They can be a terrible little bird, deliberately destroying the eggs of other birds nesting in “their” territory.  Providing they can find the nests.  Our little chipping sparrows always have a successful nesting here, and song sparrows.  Doesn’t look like we will have the song sparrow this year, but we might have a pair of white-throated sparrows.  Had a nice surprise yesterday.  A catbird showed up sitting in the apple tree.  They also nest somewhere close by each year.  They actually do have a call that sounds much like a cat meowing.  They are also good at mimicking other bird songs.  I hope to get a pic of one this year if they hang around.  Not easy to get them out in the open though.

And now for today’s pics to share with you…


The wild strawberries, above, are blooming everywhere now, should be another good crop of them this year.IMG_4712

In the above photo is another look at the spring azure butterfly with it’s wings at least partially open this time, showing off it’s beautiful color.

Time for another cup of coffee.  I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, stay safe and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2020 Steve McLeod.

36 Comments on “Daily Pics #144.

  1. Beautiful pictures Steve 😍 both are so pretty, did you tried anything for this picture 🤔 Hope you didn’t hurt. No wonder if people around you call you a Bird man, you got quite a lot of feather fans out there 🥰🕊️ and Steve did you check out the new editor, it’s annoying a bit but the features are nice, you can add buttons and link to your posts. Right not I’m using in mobile, once I work in my laptop I should try that 😊 let me know if you have come across that feature and how is it looks 😍🤗 Have a beautiful day Steve and Muffin 😸🤸🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Simon! No, didn’t hurt myself on these, but did have to get down on the ground, they are short flowers!😂📷
      People call me birdbrain, but not bird man!😂😹🤣
      I hope it works, I’m just not good with change, but I’ll give it a try soon.😬
      Been a good day so far, even had a bit of sun today, back to cloud again now though.
      Have a good night!😁😸🌞🌙😴

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s good to know ☺️ as they are short flowers, I thought you have taken some risks, but it’s okay to get doen on ground🤔 right. Bird brain 🤔 why thought thoughts fly away 🧐 or brain 😜🙄 me too Steve,I still don’t like it, but the new feature is nice, saw for first time, 😉Good Night Steve 🤗✨

        Liked by 1 person

      • Birdbrain=not much brains!😲🤪
        But actually, birds are very intelligent and have great memories!😁🦅🦆🐦🦉
        Are you just going to bed, or just getting up?🤔😳🙄

        Liked by 1 person

      • You are a smart person, how could someone say like that 🧐 see, you are intelligent too and having super memories, that’s why they said bird brain. I’m trying to sleep. Oops it’s been an hour. Good night Steve ✨☺️

        Liked by 1 person

      • It was a war between me and my bed, if that can talk if would say show some love for God sake 😜😂 I rolled on my bed like a piece of stick in water 😂😂. Good Morning Steve ✨☺️ oops you must be sleeping, Good Night Steve and Muffin 😸🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • Good morning and good evening Simon! You need to relax more before going to bed. I tried the new editor this morning, there are some good things and some bad things. And some things I really don’t like. Oh well. One thing they don’t have now is the word count at the bottom of the page to let us know how many words in the post. Now I won’t know how long my post is. Sigh. Maybe it’s just in a different spot. But I did figure out most things quite easily after an hour or so.🤔🙄 They have some cool ways of adding pictures though that I will have to try.😁 Overall I still prefer the old one better,😜 but that will probably change once I get to know this new one better. Too many changes at once is hard for someone like me.😕 Hope your day has been going better than your night!😀😺🤪 Try drinking some iced mint tea in the evening.😃😺🌞☕☕

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      • Problem is I wake up in the middle of the night and I’ll have hard time to sleep back again, and that’s a reason why I usually wake up early in the morning, but it spoils the rest of the day if I don’t workout I’ll be feeling sleepy all day 🙄 and it will be these scary dreams that will eat me, I’ll have to watch some good video’s to divert me and then I’ll feel fresh and motivated in the middle of night at 3:30 am 😂😂 I got used to it. Just letting know 😂 new editor I’m not trying, it’s still annoying 😳 but I’ll start learning it once the existing version is killed 😁. Iced mint tea 😁 very nice. I should try this tomorrow night. I’ll let you know how it works ☺️🤗Have a wonderful day Steve and Muffin 😸🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • I woke up at 3:45 this morning and I was wide awake.😳 When that happens I know there’s no point trying to sleep again,😴 just stay up and maybe get something done.🙄 Like annoying myself with this new editor. 🙄😜It has some nice things, but I don’t like having to start a new block for every paragraph.😳 Sigh. And the symbols have disappeared,😬 they took away my copyright symbol. That wasn’t nice.😾
        Iced mint tea is nice, mint has a calming effect, camomile is better for that normally, but I find mint is better for me.
        Hope you have a good night!😁🌙😴

        Liked by 1 person

      • I should try mint tonight, Let me check how is the mint plant in our garden 😉 That’s a good idea, instead of worrying can’t sleep, I should better wake up! 😉 New WordPress editor did I said it’s annoying 🙄 it’s because of that new block 😳 it’s the tough part 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, those blocks in the new editor are annoying. Every time I start a new paragraph I have to start a new block.😳😳 One of my followers gave me some tutoring on how to use things so that made it a lot easier to catch on.😃😃 But the text color and the block,😬😬 oh, and special symbols are not there in the new editor,😕 but I found out I can use my keyboard for that.😜 But guess we will get used to it,🤔 I’m going to do some practice posts this week so I can learn where everything is and find stuff faster.😀 Hope your day is going well Simon!😁🌞😸☕☕

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sounds perfect, so I’ll get to know from you 😁 meanwhile I’ll start to understand that too. How is your day so far 😉 hope you are having fun 🤗

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      • Just got back from shopping a while ago,🛒 not really much fun,😕 but had to be done!😁 A bit of rain this morning,🙂🌧 nice and fresh outside. Hope it doesn’t rain when I go for my walk!😲🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️☔

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      • Oh it won’t 😉 you’ll get your sunshine, I wish the same. And go for your little walks without fail😉✨ How is the shopping? Still time taking with long queue 😉 Have a wonderful day e

        Liked by 1 person

      • Shopping was fast this morning, not many people at all, I was surprised.🙂 Yes, it’s sunny now so should be nice for a walk shortly.😁🚶‍♂️🏞📷

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Your photos are lovely ! When you say a good crop of strawberries, do you mean the wild ones ? Our nesting robins no longer have eggs…something got to the eggs…I was looking forward to seeing the young ones…sigh… ☕️☕️😢🍓🍓☕️☕️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Sharon, yes, when I mentioned the wild strawberry flowers, that’s what I was referring to for the good crop of berries.
      That’s odd that something got at the eggs, possibly the squirrel. That’s too bad.
      Hope you are having a good weekend anyway!😃😺☕☕🌞


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