Daily Pics #147.

Good morning everyone on this cloudy and rainy Tuesday! It was beautiful outside on the deck earlier this morning. It was cloudy but mild and very comfortable sitting there with my cup of coffee, watching and listening as the day woke up. Unfortunately with such a heavy cloud cover this morning it remained rather dull and too dark for taking good quality pics, but I tried, we’ll see if anything turns out well. I enjoy sitting here listening to the different songs of the many birds in the area. That robin begins his singing at about 4:30am, usually the first one up around here. The phoebe isn’t far behind though and there must be a pair nesting close by this year. So he is around quite often, but he doesn’t often sit in a spot where I can get a picture of him. That is one bird high on my list of birds I would like to get a picture of this year. Since they are nesting close by I just might have a chance.

The cat bird is another one I would like to get and they usually nest in the area too. As soon as there is some daylight the many different warblers and vireos begin their songs. And the thrushes are back with their beautiful songs. I saw a pair of Swainson’s thrushes yesterday on my walk, the first I have seen this year. I think the hermit thrush is probably the most common after the robins, which are also thrushes. I really enjoy the song of the thrush, described as flutelike, which I agree with too, it is very nice and most often heard in early morning and late evening.

And now for some more spring wildflowers to share with you today…

In the above picture we have the flowers of the Saskatoon bush. They produce a fairly large and flavorful berry, though it does have a very large seed as well, but a delicious berry nonetheless.

And in the above picture we have the flowers of the blueberry. Wild blueberries are very popular with a flavor that can’t be beat, far nicer than the cultivated varieties. These blueberry flowers are right next to my bench at the river.

There we have our flowers for today, I hope you all have a most wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

Β©2020 Steve McLeod.

44 Comments on “Daily Pics #147.

  1. Good morning friends. A lovely start to the day. Your flowers are lovely as well. It poured my way for 2 days. Today is cool but I love it as I will get some outdoors time.

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    • Hi Pene! Thank you so much! We’re only getting some light showers, but every little bit is a help, it’s very dry up this way and that’s not good so early in the season. It’s actually a pleasant day and will help me get some indoor work done! Have a wonderful day!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ΊπŸŒ§

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  2. Blueberries are awesome, as flower buds and as edible berries! I haven’t seen any signs of flora here, but I have seen some fauna. Lots of birds and squirrels when the weather is nice here. This morning I am drinking steeped tea… It is a habit that I would like to quit because it’s chewing a hole through my wallet, and Tim Hortons is getting rich because of me. LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    • So true. Blueberries and strawberries are tops on my list of berries and fruit in general. Must admit I haven’t been to Tim’s since they closed their restaurant and went to drive through only. One thing I do kinda miss. It was something nice to do and where I did most of the writing for my blog! Not always a full post, but a good outline anyway. Hope you have a wonderful day Hilary!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ΊπŸŒžβ˜•β˜•

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      • I had a similar issue with MCDs. Ever since MCDs switched to mobile app/curbside takeout and drive-thru, I stopped going there. Our Tims here does not have a drive thru so that’s where I go now. I kinda burned through the money I got from Kijiji sales so i realize that I have a bit of a problem. I still steep orange pekoe tea using the coffee maker but it leaves a coffee aftertaste which kinda ruins the taste. Nothing beats takeout-steeped tea. Whipped Dalgona coffee is a close second but it’s pretty time consuming and not very practical. β˜•πŸ’•

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      • Yep, there is that problem when using a coffee maker for coffee and tea, only solution is getting another coffee maker. But that takes up more space on the counter, though it would save a lot of money if you just bought a cheaper coffee maker for the tea. I was hoping to enjoy a cup of mint tea today, bought from the store, which is good normally. I wasn’t really paying attention until I poured the water in the cup. It smelled funny, tasted like onions, not nice at all. I assume the whole box will be like that. I like mint tea on a rainy day. Oh well.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Ήβ˜•

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      • Find a brand of mint tea that you like and stick to that brand. No name tea isn’t bad (plus it’s cheap) but my favorite tea is Tim Hortons. I refuse to buy bagged tea at Tim Hortons and instead, I buy a box of it from the store.

        Bingo. I don’t have enough space on the countertop… I live in a small apartment and I’m constantly trying to declutter this place. Last thing I need is another coffee maker even though I can totally see the appeal of owning a second one. There’s something nice about having a takeout cup – it brings me comfort. I often reuse my Tim hortons cups on a given day because it’s comforting to drink from it. Environmentally unfriendly but I don’t have a better alternative. My favourite mug that I was using broke a few weeks ago.

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      • I always buy the Walmart brand mint tea, it’s always been so good until this box, that was just terrible. Oh well, these things happen sometimes.
        Yep, I know what you mean about counter space, I have that same problem, which is worse now that I need to have my food in tight lidded glass jars because of those pantry moths. I have jars all over the place. Does work though. And then of course I bought extra when this virus started since I didn’t want to go out much, so needed more jars, meaning less space. Plus I need to keep the bird seed inside now because of raccoons and bears, so needed more jars, meaning less space. Sigh. One thing after another!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ΉπŸ™„

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      • Hahaha I have a lot of glass jars too. I store most of my pantry food in glass jars which work quite well. I buy my jars from Dollarama! I can’t fathom buying jars anywhere else. I also reuse my pasta sauce jars which are very durable jars. πŸ…πŸŒ±

        I don’t have a ton of cupboard space so I’m always trying to cut down on the stuff I have. I’m constantly in decluttering mode which can’t be healthy. We get quite a few birds here so I haven’t had a need to buy bird seed. I feel like attracting more birds would drive my cat bonkers! 🐾

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      • Yep, our Dollarama finally got some bigger jars in after I asked about them. But I did buy some gallon size jars from Amazon (4), they came as a set, great for the bird seed. I’m still trying to declutter, long process, I think too much when I’m doing it which slows me down. I need to forget declutter and just toss!
        Oddly Muffin doesn’t get too excited about the birds. But the feeder is 8 feet from the window, so that’s probably why. She prefers the squirrels and chipmunks that come right up to the door. More exciting for her!
        Have a great weekend Hilary! Have you heard from Ilona lately?

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      • Hi Steve! I have been swamped with work. Every day this week I have had papers upon papers upon more papers to submit for grades. It’s a nightmare! πŸ˜­πŸ™„

        I have had bad experiences with Amazon so I rarely buy from them. Sometimes, you have no choice but to shop Amazon. i didn’t know that gallon-sized jars existed. Imagine dropping a jar that huge and having it land on your foot, which I can see you doing one of these days…..

        I haven’t heard a word from Ilona since November, around the same time I sent her letter in the mail. She received the care package and that’s last I heard from her. Idk if she ever received my letter. I wonder how she’s doing and I’m guessing she’s busy, or stuck in quarantine. It’s a shame she took a hiatus from blogging… it’s just so quiet without her. πŸ˜“πŸ™β€β™€οΈ

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      • Hi Hilary, nice to hear from you. Oh my, a busy week. Hmm, I have not had a problem with Amazon, which is good, we don’t have a great selection of stores, so I shop a lot on Amazon.
        I have been in touch with Ilona weekly until the first week of May, nothing from her since. She did get your letter, she mentioned that to me and was planning to answer it. Things have been a bit “busy” for her. Somehow I doubt she will be back to blogging for quite awhile, if ever.
        I’ll have to email you about something odd that happened.
        Hope you have a great weekend! Try to relax a bit if you can.😁😸🌞

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      • My question is, “busy” how? Like family emergency busy or big changes in personal life busy? It must have been something drastic. Something tells me that perhaps she didn’t have that much of an attachment to blogging, which is a shame. Blogging isn’t for everyone though. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

        I just submitted a 12 page (plus 8 pages of references) paper and another assignment, so I am pretty exhausted. It’s been a crazy week. I still have work to do but at least I don’t have any projects with due dates that are breathing down my neck. Taking a small breathing but then it’s back to work for me. πŸ“πŸ“š

        Feel free to send me an email. I am the slowest at replying to emails but I will reply eventually. I’m interested to learn more. Take care, and Happy Friday! 🌞

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      • Yes, I would say that is true. Ilona never really was much interested in blogging, to her it was more of an experiment with goals she had that she wanted to meet in a specified time. Then she stopped blogging and lost all her followers and when she came back with her new blog, those followers didn’t come back, that discouraged her. Plus her new career took over her life as her number one goal. So she had no time for blogging.
        Don’t you get time off during the summer?
        Have a great weekend, try to enjoy it a bit.😁😸🌞

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      • You have to have a passion to write or blogging isn’t going to stick. Also, it’s not just about followers. Followers are fleeting. Blogging is about connecting with people. It’s a shame because I really enjoyed talking to her and I’m sure you feel the same way. At least her career is going well and she’s accomplishing what she wants to do in life. πŸ™‚

        Did you know that my blog is 4 years old? I created it back in 2016 but didn’t do anything with it until 2018/2019. I find myself coming back time and time again because I enjoy the blogging community.

        Ty, I’m halfway through spring semester so I have a few more weeks of online classes before I get a break. Then I start my last semester in September which will be intense. I’m hoping to be done by the end of December and study for the national exam in the new year, if everything goes as planned. It’s good to set goals and having a clear vision of what it is that you’re trying to achieve.


  3. Great post Steve! The berry bushes are making me hungry, even if there aren’t berries to harvest for quite some time. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge about the varieties of birds nearby.

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    • Thank you so much Richard! Yes, I can already taste those delicious blueberries, hope there is a lot this year, wasn’t a very good year last year. Have a nice evening!


  4. Looks like there will be good crops of blueberries and saskatoons this year ! I wish there were some close to home…sigh…beautiful berry flowers ! β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈπŸ˜•πŸ™‚

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    • Well, around here there is always abundant Saskatoon flowers but few berries.πŸ™„ And so far those were the only blueberry flowers I saw along my walk.😁But it’s still early yet, there will be more flowers show up. It’s been so dry that might hurt the blueberries if it keeps on too long.😬


  5. Wow, Blueberry flowers 😍 seeing it for first time πŸ€” I think, Or maybe not I have seen twice in your blog today alone 😁 How is your last night Steve, Hope you had a wonderful sleep! Have a beautiful day Steve and Muffin πŸ˜ΈπŸ€—πŸ’

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    • I think that’s only the second time I have taken a pic of blueberry flowers.πŸ˜πŸ“· If it doesn’t rain today I’m going to see if the bearberry flowers are blooming yet and get a pic of them.πŸ€”πŸ˜ƒπŸ“· I slept great last night! Going to be a cold day,πŸ€ͺ it’s 14 right now and the temp is supposed to drop to 10 this afternoon😬 with showers and down to just 4 tonight!😳😳 But warming up on Sunday again.πŸ˜€πŸ˜ΊπŸŒžβ˜•β˜•

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      • That’s great 😍 bearberry flowers 😎 I’ll wait for that, cold day πŸ™„ why is the climate is having mood swings πŸ€” good it’s getting warmer again. Take care while going for a walk Steve πŸ€—βœ¨ Enjoy the beautiful day βœ¨πŸ’

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      • They had buds last time I looked at them, so they might be blooming now.πŸ˜πŸ“· They are kind of like blueberry flowers but more pink. They are also in kind of an odd spot for getting pics,😳 but I’ll try to be careful so I don’t fall down the rocks.😲 It is so beautiful right now! Hope it stays a little longer!πŸ˜πŸ˜ΈπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸŒ³πŸž

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      • Don’t take risk Steve, I won’t try such thing if I were you, it better stays there, we better stay safe where we are πŸ˜πŸ€— it’s okay, if you find somewhere else safe, do try for us ☺️

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      • I’ll try to stay safe and maybe I can find some in a better location,πŸ€” I’ll check around.πŸ™„ Didn’t get down to the river today as it rained this afternoonπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸŒ§ and it’s too cold to be walking in the rain right now! Have a good night!πŸ˜πŸŒ™πŸ˜΄

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      • That’s good to be safe, May be you can have your walking around your house for nowπŸ˜‰ Hope your day is wonderful πŸ˜€ Enjoy the night SteveπŸ€—

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      • Yep, I did some walking back and forth on the driveway today until it started raining too hard and I had to come in. Now I’m off to bed,😴 Muffin is just waking up!😼😼😹😹😳😳

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