Daily Pics #212.

Good morning everyone! Another cool but sunny and very beautiful morning here today. The chickadees have returned once again and they should be with us now until next spring. So nice to see them back again. The purple finches are still here and have brought their babies around. Those little ones, now as big as the parents, just sit there squawking and flapping their wings while the mother sits at the feeder eating. I’m sure she’s telling them to stop squawking and get over here and eat. One was trying but didn’t seem to understand it needed to sit on the perch in order to reach the seeds. It didn’t take too long though and the little ones had it figured out. Finally went for a walk yesterday after a week, there was flocks of little birds, mostly warblers, all through the trees. Most of our warblers will be heading south over the next month, along with other birds. Most of our summer birds are here for such a short time.

Sir George and Lady Pearl were here twice this morning for breakfast, and Sir Charles was here as well. There is another gull that comes now too, but he’s not very brave and is a bit scared by all the crows. So I stand out there to make sure he gets his food. Or maybe it’s her food. That could be why she’s scared of the crows. Lady Pearl used to be scared of them too, until she discovered she can chase them off the feeder easily. Although there is still one nasty crow who likes to defy her. But now that nesting season is over, she comes with Sir George all the time anyway. That nasty crow tried to come on the feeder with Sir Henry yesterday, he ended up with a headache. Oh well, it’s a beautiful morning.

For our pics today, we have another hollyhock in a different shade of pink for the featured image at the top. And in the photo below is the “bicolor monkshood”. This is a beautiful, very tall flower, but it has trouble standing on it’s own. Once the flowers begin to open it kind of falls over easily.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

Β©2020 Steve McLeod.

42 Comments on “Daily Pics #212.

  1. Great pics Steve 😺
    I was just a second late today or I could’ve come second!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. It is great to see both flowers today ! Some birds are beginning to flock…kind of sad…πŸ˜’β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈ

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much Sharon!
      Yes, birds are flocking and soon to be leaving, such a short summer. Enjoy your afternoon, a nice day here!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ΊπŸŒžβ˜•β˜•


  3. Very Good Morning Steve, am I late?πŸ€” Oh! yes I am 😁. I’ve got migrane, it’s too hard to focus on reading today 😳 I’m honest, I saw two flowers and recognised both are hollyhock with different colours, also you mentioned it 😜. Have a wonderful day Steve ✨ I’m signing off early today πŸ€—

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi Steve, I’m sorry I’m not super talkative today. I’ve got the worst headache right now and can’t focus on anything without my head pounding. Again, I didn’t get enough sleep last night.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes indeed! Though it is a bit sad to see our summer fading away already. But there is some time left yet, before fall arrives, I hope.


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