Daily Pics #242.

Good morning on this very chilly, but sunny Saturday! Those poor hummingbirds. It must be getting cold for them these days and there is colder weather coming up. Guess I will have to take down my hummingbird feeder soon. I don’t leave it up too late as it encourages the hummingbirds to stay later than they normally would. That can make it hard for them migrating southward as there will soon not be many flowers left for them to get nourishment along the way. In places where there are more people and towns then it’s not so much of a problem as there is usually a good supply of flowers and people with hummingbird feeders to help them along their way. But up here that is not the case.

Speaking of cool, I was outside for a while this morning, coffee in insulated cup to keep it nice and warm, which would have worked okay except it has no lid, it broke the last time I used it. What are the chances of it landing upside down on a sharp rock and cracking the lid in about 550 different directions? So the coffee cooled off rather quickly. Anyway, I was out there for awhile watching Jasper and the chipmunks to see if anything fun would happen. I was not disappointed. There was one chipmunk in the box getting peanuts. Three others came up on the deck at the same time. Jasper came up the steps just then and came running nicely across the deck and spotted one of the chipmunks that had just come up. The chase was on! Except there were 3 chipmunks and every time Jasper came around a box or a flower pot there was a chipmunk going in a different direction. Poor Jasper. He just didn’t know what to do. He kept going back and forth, around in circles but the chipmunks were not giving up and leaving like they normally would.


Finally they all stopped behind something so Jasper couldn’t see them. Jasper also stopped and looked around around. The chipmunk in the box was gone, but a new one had taken his place. Jasper went inside the box, obviously not expecting a chipmunk to be inside too. Poor Jasper. The chipmunk jumped straight up and landed on Jasper which made Jasper panic and he ended up running around inside the box including right upside down! The chipmunk went out one door and Jasper went out the other door. Jasper then stopped, went back, peered inside the box, looked around outside the box, then went in grabbed a peanut and ran away. He was probably hoping that no one saw that.


The above featured image showing maple leaves have begun changing color. Then we have a pic of Jasper with a dirty face yesterday, he must have been digging. Then lastly we have a pic of Skamper on my knee with one large peanut in his cheek. He put another one in the other cheek, then one in his mouth and off he went. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2020 Steve McLeod.

47 Comments on “Daily Pics #242.

    • Good morning Sophie!😁😻 We are having a good day, Muffin is having her morning nap. We had a good playtime this morning.😻😳 How was your day? Is it sunny, warm, rainy? It’s sunny🌞 and cold here, but it does look so nice with the sun shining, but I need a jacket when I go outside.🥶😹

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      • Hi Sophie! Today is nice and sunny, and just a bit warmer than yesterday. Yes, I like sunny days best as well. Everything just feels and looks so much better. Have a wonderful day/evening Sophie!


  1. Lovely adventures and pics! The one of Scamper is so precious! He trusts you! A true blessing! Hope you have better coffee days soon! I can’t believe it’s already getting cold there! 😢

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    • Thanks Renee! Yes, Skamper is my oldest chipmunk now but all of them will sit on me and crawl all over me. Cool days are here now, but supposed to get 68 today, maybe. But this week we see temps going down to the 40s at night and low 60s during the day, next week cooler yet. Fall is here! Have a great day!😃😺🌞


  2. The chipmunks are so cute. I especially like Jasper 😍

    I woke up to a cool breeze today which is a turn of events. For the past few weeks it’s been hot and now it’s starting to feel like autumn. I still can’t walk on my foot which is concerning since clinical starts next week 😐 I’ve also started getting Tim’s again because it’s close by. Can’t walk to MCDs these days ☹️

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    • Yep, that cool air has descended on us for sure. The summer birds have gone, the year round birds are gathering at the feeders.
      Hope your foot gets better by then, otherwise that will be tough.😕 Oh my, giving in to Tim’s. Smart choice.😂
      Enjoy your weekend Hilary!

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      • I send my husband out to get my steeped tea. I wouldn’t dare try leaving the house and risk another injury. I’ve already had a bunch of injuries this week tripping over Rebecca’s toys. 🙄 I much prefer MCDs but there’s no way I could walk there and the construction around MCDs is atrocious.

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      • Good for you, that’s the way to do it! But you shouldn’t trip over toys, that could be dangerous.😬 Hope you are having a great day Hilary!😁😸🌞

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      • I know I shouldn’t trip over toys and I wouldn’t have done it but I couldn’t help it! 🤦‍♀️ My foot really hurts today. It feels like there’s more internal nursing. Time for another painkiller.

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  3. Jasper and Skamper 😍 both are looking cute and beautiful 😸 how did the coffee lid can broke in 550 directions🤔😳 Hope you had your coffee warm 🤔 don’t have it cold, always have everything warm 😉 as it is normally cold out there for you. 😍. And Nina is your neighbour 🤔is she a blogger too 😉 Mr Cat’s pic’s are so good, I have a good friend named Nina 😁 she hardly talks to me 😜 busy with her own life 😂. Hey! I m the first 🤔 why everyone is in the past 🙄😳 Today is Sunday and on this Sunday I’m the first one to comment 😁 is there any award 🤔🙄🧐 Have a wonderful Sunday, while I do something about getting fit into my pants.😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, that coffee lid, cracked in every direction. It’s amazing what I can do if I don’t try!🙄 Well, Nina isn’t exactly a neighbor, about 2500 km away. But she provides me with pics of her cat, Mr. Cat,😸 so I can use him in my stories. Muffin needed someone to be with her in the stories so she wouldn’t have to be alone.😻😻 I hope. She really liked his picture so Mr. Cat was in! The cats have never really met however. Yes, Nina is a blogger too.😀
      You’re the first today? Okay, here’s your prize!🥳🥇
      Have a great Monday Simon!😃😺🌞

      Liked by 1 person

      • Love the generosity 😍 Thanks for the award🥰🥰 But this is cheating I know😂😜. Thanks for the motivation 😎 2500 🙄😳 did you mentioned 2500 km 🧐 I’m going to faint, well she is very very far 😳 glad she is a blogger and her pic are so good to use for our PI writings ☺️✨ Wise choice ☺️Hope your sunday was awesome ✨💐🤗

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      • You’re welcome!😜 It is cold and raining right now🤪🌧🌧 and I think it’s time for bed.😴 Yep, 2500km, almost next door.😂😹😹 It was a nice sunny day and quite sort of kind of warm. It was an awesome day, except for all the pain which was extreme today.😳😕 Hopefully less pain tomorrow.🙂 Enjoy your Monday. Don’t forget to smile at all your coworkers today! Oh, I forgot, you don’t have any right now.😕 Bring a mirror with you and smile at yourself.😁 A smile from someone is always nice!😃😺🌞


      • 2500 km is next door 🙄🤔 how? because for us it will take 48 hours to travel by road 🧐. Oops, not good, cold climate and here we are with the pain again , do take care, hope you didn’t do much to cause that pain ☺️. and I do have some co workers today 😁 and it’s month end, so obviously I’ll pretend that I don’t know how to smile 😂 and Wishing you a Happy Onam😁💐a special day in our state 🤗✨ Take care ✨🤗

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      • Happy Onam Simon!😀 We have big neighborhoods around here! Our nearest city is 2 hours away by car and that’s just outside of town.😄 People go there just to have lunch. I would drive 1 and a half hours to have coffee at a nice little coffee shop.😜☕ Just kind of around the corner.😂 Don’t forget your mask!😷 You can draw a smile on it so people know you are smiling!😁 Still a lot of pain today, I think it’s the change in weather. Or not. Have a great day/evening Simon!😃😺🌞🌙

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      • Thank you Steve ✨🤗 If I go 2 hours out, I’ll be out of City 🤣 and I still can feel the city 😜. we go out for peace of mind 😂. 1 and a half hour for a cup of coffee 🙄 strange 😳. 😁No I undo mask inside office🤣 I feel like someone is strangling me 😜 Yes the weather change can bring pain, I still feel pain in left leg whenever I get cold temp 🤔 😸

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      • Did you just call me strange?🤔🤪 You just figured that out?🤣🤣 I also would drive an hour to a country restaurant to have breakfast, they had such good french toast!😋😋😋😋 You take your mask off!? You’re supposed to wear it inside when people are around.😷🙄🙄 Sigh.🙄

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      • 😂🤣😂I think I’m late figuring it out 😂😂bad IQ 😜 French toast 😍 I’ve had it long before I discovered I can’t have breads 😳🙄but it’s a tasty one 😋 and I do take mask off 😇 told you I have very few co workers it’s a big office and very less population 😂 don’t worry I’ll mask my face when someone comes next to me😷

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      • Yep, French toast is the best.😀 It’s the best of the best.😄😄 It’s even better than the best of the best.😁😁😁 I think.🤔 It’s been so long since I’ve had it I can’t remember what it tastes like!😭😭


      • 🤔now I remember, you can’t have it too 🤣😂 It’s okay, it’s not good for everyone, even it tastes good and looking delicious to eat 😍 I’m not eating it again 😼. Stay warm, have a peaceful night Steve ✨🤗

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  4. There are few gold leaves falling in my area and we are being bombarded with the dreaded pollen that happens this time of the year. Yuk! Our black car has a coating of yellow dust from one end to the other. And the hummingbirds have been frequenting our place lately! They’re fun to watch! 🍂 🍁 😺☕️☕️

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    • Our hummingbirds are starting to leave now, only 3 left, and maybe only 2, I didn’t see the male today. Yes, I really enjoy them, they will all be gone very soon.


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