Daily Pics #293.

Good morning everyone on this windy Saturday! It’s also cloudy, very heavy cloud, so it certainly doesn’t seem as late as it is. Birds were late showing up this morning and there isn’t much action out there again. Our little birds are disappearing more and more. There are still some juncos and one fox sparrow. The pine siskins are gone, but some redpolls have shown up now to take their place. I really hope they stick around for the winter. Normally they would stay, though last year we didn’t have any at all which happens now and then with these birds. But they are cute and very friendly little birds which help to attract other birds to the feeder that are a little more shy, like the pine grosbeaks. The blue jays are the most active this morning, but that’s kind of normal anyway. I haven’t seen Theodore or Jasper this morning. Those two seem to be rather unpredictable these days. They will come around, but not necessarily at the same times each day.

It is so dark in here this morning, I need to have lights on inside. There is a little snow in the forecast for later today, nothing much though. I think Jasper enlisted the help of Theodore yesterday. I just put out some peanuts for the blue jays and Jasper, plus some sunflower seeds on the deck for Theodore. For some reason Theodore decided to eat the sunflower seeds that were closest to the peanuts, first. That kept the blue jays away from the peanuts. Therefore Jasper was happy as could be hauling away the peanuts. Seems the blue jays are afraid to come down when Theodore is close by. However, Jasper is not afraid of Theodore, though he never tries chasing him either. So Jasper got all the peanuts for himself that time and once the peanuts were gone then Theodore moved on further down the deck. It’s like it was deliberately planned that way! The blue jays were left wondering what had happened. I could just imagine Jasper sitting there sticking his tongue out at the blue jays. Jasper finally won!

Evening Lychnis.

For our pics today we have 2 wildflowers. The top featured image is the harebell, which I have showed before, but in this pic it looks like there is a light right inside the flower the way it glows so nicely. So I figured it would be okay to show the harebell again just because of that. Actually, I have many pics of the harebells so be prepared, I just might show them again. Then in the pic above a nice early morning pic of the evening lychnis. Personally I think these bright white one inch wide (2.5cm) flowers are quite pretty. Not many people agree with me however, most just consider them weeds. Guess I look at things differently. I prefer to see the beauty in things. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2020 Steve McLeod.

82 Comments on “Daily Pics #293.

  1. Steve, thanks for brightening up Saturday with your photos. Growing season is pretty much over in central Ohio. We experienced a hard frost overnight. I am looking forward to the time change to bring us earlier daylight in the morning.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my, we’ve had a bit more than a hard frost! Snowing right now and windy. Yes, that time change will be nice for sure, it wasn’t getting daylight until 8am. Enjoy the remainder of your weekend Richard!


  2. Oh ! I must check out the blue moon ! Lovely flowers ! Keep warm and sleep well…extra hour …love that ! ☕️☕️😻🙂🌑

    Liked by 1 person

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