Thursday’s Thoughts #6.

Good morning to everyone on this cloudy Thursday! It’s a bit cooler this morning but still very nice. And a great morning to be out on the deck with my coffee listening to, um, well, sitting there with my coffee and talking to my, um, well, sitting there with my coffee all by myself. It’s been an odd morning. The only birds singing were far away, nothing close. My gulls didn’t show up, the blue jays were not around, no chipmunks, no squirrels. Chuck the crow was here, nothing keeps him away. But what happened to all the other critters?


Pocket and Coffee are always here, normally waiting for me to come out with peanuts in the morning. Same with the blue jays. The male hairy woodpecker finally showed up, took one peanut and never came back. Then a light rain began so I came inside. That’s when Jasmine showed up, but she was very nervous which is not like her at all. She came and got a peanut and sat on the railing to eat it, which is normal. But she kept looking down at something, even chattered once, which is odd for her to do. She ate one peanut, then took a second and ran off with it. Normally she eats 5 and takes one with her.

A grackle and 2 blue jays are now carrying away the remaining peanuts. The chipmunks, Pocket, Skamper and Coffee are busy with the peanuts now. Then a thought came to me. There was a solar eclipse this morning, quite early for us, but it’s also cloudy so we didn’t get a chance to see it. What has that to do with my animal friends? One other time when we had a solar eclipse, it was sunny that day which was nice, but as the sun was hidden everything went quiet. Birds disappeared from the feeder, my squirrel at the time also left, birds stopped singing.

I just showed the wild sarsaparilla in my wildflower of the day series (#22). Now the flowers have gone and the berries have begun to grow.

There was the eerie twilight and an eerie silence. It wasn’t just me that noticed it either. I contacted others that fed birds and they noticed the same thing. That eclipse affected the animals. So even though we couldn’t see it this morning due to the clouds, perhaps it still affected the animals. They can sense things far better than people. Since we were not getting the total eclipse here, then the effect on the animals would be shorter. And everything seems to be back to normal now. Just a thought. I don’t know if it would affect them when it’s cloudy or not. Just an interesting observation. I hope you were able to see the eclipse, safely, where you live. Have a great day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2021 Steve McLeod.

25 Comments on “Thursday’s Thoughts #6.

  1. Isn’t it amazing that animals can sense the things we cannot? They are truly amazing creatures. I didn’t even know there was a solar eclipse. I guess I missed the news. 😢
    Love the sarsaparilla plant! Have a happy Thursday, Steve! 🌙☀️☁️ ☕️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, animals have amazing abilities that we do not have. God has given them extra ability to help them survive.
      Yes, those sarsaparilla’s are an interesting one! Have a great day Renee!😀😺☕☕🌞☁

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sarsaparilla is small and cute ☺️ Beautiful work of nature… What? Eclipse? when where 🙄 god I missed that 😐 Pansy is a flower name 😄 ok now I knew there is a flower in this name. ☺️Have a lovely day Uncle Steve 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    • You missed the eclipse?😲 That’s okay, you might not have been able to see it over there anyway.🤔 It’s much cooler today, only 19C and cloudy, but it’s still a nice day anyway!😀😺☕☕


  3. I did not know there was a solar eclipse…mind you , it was cloudy…our birds and squirrels did not show up either…have a good rest this cool evening ! 😴😺🙂

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