Sunny Sunday. #16

Hello everyone and Happy Easter to all of you! For most of my readers the day is over or mostly so, but I do hope you had a very nice day. And for the rest I hope your day will be also very nice. It is still on the cool side here, our early morning temp was 12F (-11C) once again and it still has not warmed up very much. It was nice and sunny earlier, but the clouds have moved in again and are supposed to give us another 2 or 3 inches of snow overnight.

Male redpoll in the morning sun.

And more is in the forecast for Tuesday night or Wednesday. But warmer temps are on the horizon, it is just a little hard to see that horizon right now! There were so many birds here yesterday it was hard to believe. Today however, the numbers have gone down a great deal. I think there are more juncos today though, but there are much fewer evening grosbeaks and redpolls.

And here we have another one surrounded by sunflower seeds.

There are probably only about 50 or 60 redpolls here today, an amazing drop from yesterday. But I was certainly able to get many good pictures of redpolls and all the birds yesterday. I did not get any pictures of chickadees though, or the purple finches. There are 2 purple finches, both males and they are such a beautiful bright red which really shone brightly in that sunshine yesterday. In spring they are at their brightest for sure, such a beautiful bird.

Spring. Such a beautiful time of the year. Most people do not understand why I like summer so much, and that includes spring and fall, basically our snow free season. But winter is a hard time of year for me. I have serious health problems which make winter a hard season. That is why I like our snow free season best, it is much easier on my health, and I am able to get out more and enjoy the nature that surrounds us.

Little junco in the sunshine.

No, I am not able to move to a warmer climate, there really is none in this country anyway, and moving to other countries is out of the question. Just a quick mention of things since people have asked. I have thought of doing a health update post, maybe I will at some point if enough people would like to know.

Although I could not get Jasper sitting on my foot, I did get him sitting beside me.

Anyway, it is a beautiful day. The neighbors dog just chased the deer out of the yard. Maybe he will keep the bears away too. That would definitely be a benefit. Unfortunately he also chases my birds away. Every day he comes onto the deck, sometimes several times, barking and scaring the birds. Fortunately they come back once he leaves. Hmm, I think the birds need more food.🤔 And Muffin is looking for her lunch too.😺 Thank you so much for stopping by today, I hope you enjoy your day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.😊😻

©2022 Steve McLeod.

120 Comments on “Sunny Sunday. #16

  1. Between you @Stevescountry and @DustyBoots, I counted 70 comments! I think that’s a new record! 😳

    I would have broken the chain but figured it would be more respectful to start a new thread instead.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Hilary! Yes, we get going sometimes. I think it might hurt my comments from other people though which have hit rock bottom recently.😟 I used to get a lot of comments from other people. Hey, break in anytime, that is sure not a problem. Hope you had a great Easter weekend!😊😺❄️❄️

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hey Steve! I’m following you and try to comment as often as I can. Sometimes I get busy and I cannot comment for a few days because I’m offline. I look forward to your daily blog posts though. I worked on the weekend so I wasn’t on WP much….

        This is awkward, but I was wondering if you still follow my blog. If not, I understand. I’ve noticed that you aren’t in my following list anymore and idk if this is a WP thing or a “my content doesn’t resonate with you” thing.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I am still following, at least I was, but I notice I have been kicked off several blogs recently and had to refollow them, I will have to check yours and see so I can follow again. I don’t know what is happening with that, I have had several people get kicked off my blog too and they were wondering if I had done it, but it is something that is with WP though they say it is not them. I have 2 people that have been kicked off my blog more than 8 times now! Fortunately they keep coming back, but I wonder how many times that happens with others and then they don’t come back. Very strange. But unless WP can see it they won’t acknowledge it. Anyway, it’s not me, it’s WP, guess that is why I don’t get notices from you anymore when you post something new. Sigh. Kind of frustrating. But I will fix that right away.😊😺
        I always enjoy when you are able to comment!


    • Happy Easter! Eventually it will warm up, at least a little by the weekend. But cooler than normal temps are forecast right through to mid May! We just might have snow on the ground in May this year! Thank you Eugenia! It is terribly icy outside today, walking and driving!😊😻☕☕❄️❄️

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