Autumn Coffee Time.

Hello everyone on this very beautiful autumn day in October!  For some of you this will still feel cold, with our high reaching 17C, or 63F, today.  But after our blast of cold weather, this feels amazingly nice.  So I figured this nice warm day would be perfect for one last outdoor coffee time.  After this I think it will remain too cold, so we might just have to move inside.IMG_9996

But where to go?  Hmm, I thought this nice little park by the river that we visited in the spring for one of our coffee times would be just perfect.  Sitting here in the sun, looking out over the river, enjoying the beautiful fall colors is just a perfect relaxing location for us.  This spot is further downstream than where my walking path is located. IMG_9999

I would have liked to have our last coffee time over there by what I call “picnic rock”, but I am unable to make that walk right now.  Unfortunately I injured myself even more the other day so walking that distance is out of the question for now.  Terrible that I am unable to take advantage of the last of our nice weather for a good walk to the river. IMG_9992

However, I can still enjoy the weather by coming to this fantastic picnic spot.  There are picnic tables here for us to use also, which is very nice.  Plus it is a nice sheltered spot from the south wind that is blowing right now.  Looking over the edge of the rock here it’s not nearly as far down to the river now.  And many of the smaller trees that were growing by the river are now underwater.  Notice, you can just see the tops of those trees now.IMG_9993

And the view along the river here is just so beautiful now that fall is showing all it’s wonderful splendor for us.  The people living across the river are able to enjoy the beauty of all 4 seasons from a great vantage point.  Though it may not look it, even here the river current is very dangerous.IMG_9989 

There is still a couple of ring-billed gulls flying around.  Although most of the gulls have headed for warmer places, a few always remain until the lake begins to freeze, or until there is snow on the ground.  And directly above us, just a little higher than the trees is a beautiful bald eagle.  We usually get some of these magnificent birds staying all winter.

There is even still a couple of wildflowers blooming over there by the edge of the grass.  Amazingly there is still a lone buttercup and a brilliant white and yellow daisy.  They are so common that most people don’t give them a thought.  Sitting here at the picnic table looking at these gorgeous colors, a person could be lost in thought at the wondrous beauty of God’s painting.IMG_9988

But, although it is beautiful here, the time has come to pack up for another day.  I am so glad that you were able to join me here today at this little park for our coffee time.  We didn’t get a walk out of it, but sometimes that’s okay too.  Enjoy your day everyone and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.

51 Comments on “Autumn Coffee Time.

  1. Hello Steve, i’m finally at your blog with my first coffee, at 17pm, worked killed me, feels good to chill and to relax at Steves country, lovely pictures, the leaves already have changed colour, here is half way, some people still swimming at the sea😁
    Have a lovely day Steve and enjoy your walk, nee careful at the river☀️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by Ilona, always nice to have you here! Thanks for all your kind words as well. No walking for me today, had to go shopping, that was enough, can barely walk now! I hope you are having a good evening!😁🌞🍁🍂🚶‍♂️

      Liked by 1 person

    • You don’t like coffee?😳 That’s okay,😂 I also have tea available and milk tea, and herbal tea. Thanks for reading today Ashok!!😀🌞🍁🍂Even without the coffee, the colors are enough! Have a great day!

      Liked by 1 person

      • 😊😇
        I like the smell of coffee Steve but if I take one cup in the evening I can’t sleep at night 😜
        While traveling I do enjoy a cup of coffee once in a while.
        Enjoy nature. Enjoy your coffee. Love

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Steve! That was relaxing post Steve. Why did you keep injuring your leg 🥺 My god Steve, We need you back walking and jumping around. It broke my heart reading you injured your leg again. Please take care. Now the weather is cold. Just Stay inside and give enough rest for your leg Steve. Have a lovely day Steve✨✍️


  3. Thank you Steve for this coffee time! Wonderful colors! I love autumn because is so full of amazing colors! The simple leaves of one tree can have so many beautiful hues…
    I hope you are ok!
    Have a good night sleep 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, autumn is an amazing time for sure and you’re so right, leaves on the same tree can be quite different hues which adds to the beauty.
      It will be a long recovery for me apparently.
      Guess you are in Thursday already so hope it is a great day for you Ribana!😁😸🍁🍂

      Liked by 1 person

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