Friday’s Pictures #2.

Well, here we are with our second Friday’s Pictures.  Once again I decided to go with a variety instead of sticking with a particular theme.  Looking at nature pictures helps us to see that not everything in this world is negative, even though we are often led to believe it is that way.  So sit back, relax and enjoy!moon 2

Starting off with our beautiful moon.IMG_6312

Above we have Bert, one of my 10 blue jays that come each day for peanuts.IMG_6296

Above we have our little squirrel hauling away walnuts.  Still not sure how she manages to carry them.IMG_5316

The joys of summer with flowers, like these hollyhocks, and bees to go with them.

I hope you have enjoyed today’s selection and Happy Friday to everyone! God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.

33 Comments on “Friday’s Pictures #2.

    • Bert and Baxter are hard to tell apart in pictures, easy in person, Baxter is much more friendly. Yep, carrying that walnut can’t be easy, but she is at it every day,😂 another one has joined in now too and he carries his a long distance! Thanks for stopping by! I’ll be over soon, been a rough week. Have a great afternoon!😁🌞😺

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