Daily Pics #16.

Hello everyone on this lovely winter morning.  Okay, it’s a bit cold, but it is winter so that is to be expected.  But it’s still a lovely morning.  Very icy though, just like yesterday, so I need to be very careful walking around out there.  Still not much bird activity which is so strange.  Oh well, every year is different and that helps to make things interesting.  Well, we are still getting a lot of cloud up this way so guess we will stay with some nice bright pictures for our day.  Here we go with today’s choices…20190924_183618

Here we have some very lovely lavender phlox.  My landlord has a lot of this in her garden.  Butterflies seem to like it.IMG_4711

Another different shade of pink peony.  These don’t get as large and full as the other peonies.  Still beautiful though.

There we have another day of bright sunshine in the way of flowers for us to enjoy.  I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.

47 Comments on “Daily Pics #16.

  1. It’s not just a bit cold. It’s FREEZING. I wanted to go for a walk this morning but I’m going to stay inside. I’m not gonna risk my life out there on the icy roads if it can be avoided. Yes, I really should get some sunshine but I’m hibernating. 😂🤣🐻

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, it is freezing, but it will get worse, much worse.⛄🥶🥶 See how optimistic I am? Yes, it is nothing but ice around here too, even my deck is solid ice and I have to go out and feed the birds now.😲 I will need to be careful just doing that.😳 I’m kind of in a forced hibernation this year.😀🐻🐿 Oh well, winter isn’t fun for me anyway. Thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful indoor day!! Time for more coffee.😂😁😸☕

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      • Please be careful. Imagining you going outside in this weather is hypothetically painful. 🤭 I so desperately want to go for a nature walk to MCDs for coffee but there’s no way I’m leaving the apartment. I also have to take a long romantic walk to the dumpster because the cat thinks that the food scraps look really tasty. I’ll wait until later to go to the dumpster. The ice is always the worst in the AM.

        I’ve decided that if I’m gonna be a morning person, then I’m gonna have coffee. ☕️💕 I had a mug yesterday and it didn’t affect my sleep last night, but I was groggy all afternoon. I’m figuring out when to cut off the caffeine and I only allow myself one mug max. unless it’s takeout coffee which is always larger in size.

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      • Good morning Hilary! Nice to see you’re now a morning person, you’ll get to like it, honest. But, yeah, coffee is a must for mornings. That’s usually the only time I drink coffee. If later in the day I will drink decaf or herbal tea so there’s no caffeine problem.
        Yep, my cat is the same. Makes it tough in summer, if I keep it inside it smells and Muffin tries to get at it.😹 If I put it outside, the bears get at it and make a big mess that I have to clean up.🐻🐻 Sigh.
        I did have to go out this morning, had an appointment. Nothing but ice everywhere,😲 I certainly had to be extra careful out there.😳 It’s winter. I’m looking forward to spring and summer once again!🌞😎🌳
        Have a great day Hilary!!😁😸⛄🌲

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  2. Thanks Steve for a Beautiful day brightener!! I don’t know why but your choices always seem to have a very cheery affect on me! You have a wonderful day and be careful on that ice!!!🌞😊😉

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  3. Wow Steve, that lavender phlox is spectacular! It reminds me a bit of orchids for some reason. I can see why you enjoy it so!

    I’m sorry that it’s so bitter cold there. 😦 It’s always hard enduring a season that isn’t one you enjoy very much. I know winters there can be extreme. Please stay safe and warm! I bet Muffin is always ready to snuggles in this weather!

    Thank you for sharing such natural beauty. 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Muffin is actually enjoying all this recovery time, now she can really curl up with me in the chair and snuggle.😀😻 Before I didn’t sit long enough I guess!😂😹
      Thanks for stopping by!😃😺⛄🌲

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      • That’s right! You are her personal heater and how dare you not do your job full-time at all times, Steve! You should know this by now 😀

        God bless you, Steve. I pray you are well? 🙏🏼

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      • It’s been 2 months since my injury and it looks like another 2 or 3 months to go. Apparently I have been doing too much, even though I wasn’t doing much! So now it’s basically just sitting until it heals. I can do a little, but very little. God bless Holly!😃😺

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