Daily Pics 2020…#30.

Good morning!  We are still enjoying mild weather up here in the north, mild for us anyway.  Though I am still looking forward to spring when the days will be longer and the temps will actually be on the plus side once again.  However, that’s still at least 2 months away yet, and perhaps longer.  I think Muffin has almost given up looking out the window, unless she hears another cat out there.  Then of course she goes into protection mode.  But mostly she’s content to play, eat and sleep.  A good plan really, but I don’t think I could sleep as much as she does. 

So, instead, let’s continue our look at some nice bright flowers to bring us some sunshine on these dull winter days…


We will start off today with another “bachelor button”, this one a lighter blue.  They have an odd name but are an interesting flower and extremely easy to grow in most any soil.IMG_5099

And here we have another beautiful bright pink rose, with many more buds just waiting to open.  This rose is easy to grow but does need good soil.

That’s today’s picks of pics to brighten up a winter day, or any day for that matter.  I hope you all have a great day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2020 Steve McLeod.

24 Comments on “Daily Pics 2020…#30.

  1. Uh-huh! Cats do sleep much! Nice pictures steve and have a good day and muffin too!!!😜

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Looks like I’ve seen this kind of flower 🤪 yeah, just now, on Steve blog, my mind counters me 🙄. Good, now it’s not minding it’s own business. Good self talk. have a beautiful day,✨💐

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, I’m using pics of the same flowers, but still different pics, different angle, that sort of thing. I ran out of flower pics, sigh.🙄😕 Winters are just too long.⛄😳😜 I will have to make sure to get more flower pics this summer. I thought I had enough.🤔🙄 Sigh. I need to learn to count again.😂😹Thanks for stopping by Simon!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Exactly how many days you have winter ✨🤔 and why? Why i am warm and why it is not warm over there 🤪 forget it, I’m super curious as i lost sleep last night, kind of not thinking straight 😯😳😜🤪

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      • A short winter for us is 5 months with snow on the ground. Normal winter is 6 months, long winter like the last 3 is 7 months.😳😳 Summer is generally June, July and August. Some years, like last year, it’s only mid June to mid August.😲😜 We are a long ways north here. It actually used to be warmer here, winter was normally 5 months, summer would start about mid May and go into Sept. And it would be much warmer in summer.🌞😎 But it has been getting colder over the last 15 years.🤪😳🙄


      • I’m giving too much work to your brain now. Sorry about that, hope you didn’t mind. But 15 years lot of changes have happened 😳🤔 This should stop, or there is going to be a mass serious things on future ☺️ It’s still good 😁

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