Daily Pics 2020…#29.

“chives” flower

Good morning!  So nice to wake up after a long peaceful sleep.  I must try that sometime.  Really does sound like it would be fun.  Anyway, it’s another nice day to enjoy…and it’s mid week so…Happy Wednesday everyone!  Muffin wanted breakfast bright and early this morning.  Well, it wasn’t too bright, it was still dark.  Very dark.  Like half way through the night kind of dark.  Sigh.  I knew she didn’t eat a big enough bedtime snack. So why do I give in, get up and feed her?  Because I would like to sleep some more.  And she will play, quite noisily, until I get up.  Right by the bedroom door.  If that doesn’t work, then she tries the “pouncing on Steve” routine.  That works every time.

So now we are ready to enjoy some more sunny summer flowers…


And talk about a bright sunny yellow, here we have an “Iceland poppy” which is a beautiful spring and early summer flower.  However, they will sometimes bloom all summer.  This is just one of several different colors of these poppies.IMG_5324

And here we have once again the lavender “phlox”.  A very nice garden flower that is enjoyed by bees and butterflies.  It’s also very easy to grow.

There we have it for today, I hope all of you have a wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2020 Steve McLeod.

23 Comments on “Daily Pics 2020…#29.

  1. Steve, That phlox deserves a WOW! Its so beautiful! Have a nice day steve and you too muffin!!😜

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: The Sunshine Blogger Award 2020 – Something to Stu Over

  3. Steve ✨☺️ I have a question, any idea about the world first flower and how it got spread into a different form of flower ✨😋🤔 The second lavender phlox is simply amazing and beautiful ✨

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Simon! Great question, I can only tell you what I believe and science backs it up too. This could actually be a long comment, but I will try to keep it short.
      I believe that God created everything in the beginning. I don’t believe in evolution. God would have created a type of rose, lily, hollyhock, etc. But they would have had the genetic variability to adapt to different places and climatic zones around the world. Like people, starting with Adam and Eve who had the genetic variability in them that as people spread around the world, groups of people would be separated from others and certain genetic characteristics would become dominant. So you get different skin “colors”, for instance. Even though there really is no such thing as different colors of skin, everyone is brown skin. Works the same with flowers. Though there always was different varieties right from the start, they all had this genetic variability to adapt to their environment, so certain characteristics would become dominant and others would be lost. So there ended up with a number of different wild roses around the world and these could be taken and hybridized to produce the amazing variety of roses today. Some flowers have greater genetic variability than others however. All plants were given this amazing variability so that they could spread easily around the world filling up every possible living space with plant life of some kind. This then provides food and shelter for animal life. I could say a lot more, but I think this is already long. But if you need more explanation, just ask. I am always glad to answer questions. Have a great evening Simon!😁😸🌙


      • I agree with you on the first point, then assume i don’t agree and take this in the view of science, how could one flower would’ve formed🤔and how it gave birth to another flower 🙄😸 that makes my Brain tired already 😋 don’t ask me whether it exists 😂 i ask lot of stupid questions to myself lately 😜 Just to have a different view of the world 😳🤗


      • I agree with you on the first point, then assume i don’t agree and take this in the view of science, how could one flower would’ve formed🤔and how it gave birth to another flower 🙄😸 that makes my Brain tired already 😋 don’t ask me whether it exists 😂 i ask lot of stupid questions to myself lately 😜 Just to have a different view of the world 😳🤗😉


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